Manganese sulphate is a microfertilizer for leaves chlorosis prevention. Chlorosis discolours leaves but leaf ribs stay green. Manganese sulphate can be used for basal application along with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as well as for additional fertilizing of different kinds of agricultural crops during the vegetation period. The fertilizer improves the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the yield of different agricultural crops.
The solubility of manganese and its compounds depends on acidity and oxidation-reduction potential of soil. Due to the low solubility of manganese compounds, in oxidizing conditions, when soil acidity level is close to neutral, even slight alteration in acidity level and oxidation-reduction potential correlation will have a significant effect on manganese content in soil solution.
Manganese saluted in soil undergoes a reaction of organic complex formation. When close to the plant's root system, manganese oxide MnO2 reduction and complex formation are the main factors controlling manganese mobility.
Recommendations for use for different types of soil
Manganese sulphate is recommended for all types of soil regardless of edaphoclimatic conditions.
Sod-podzolic and chernozem soil
Application of manganese sulphate is essential for these kinds of soil due to the fact that even if the manganese content is high, the majority of this element is present as almost insoluble manganese oxides and hydrates.
Grey forest soil, weakly-leached chernozem, alkaline soil or kastanozem
Application of manganese sulphate is essential for oat, wheat, feeding root crops, potatoes, corn, medick, sugar beet, fruit and berry crops, citruses and vegetables.
Qualitative characteristics of the product correspond to the GOST standards 6-47-53028-10-93.